As the voice of Business, to promote an
environment for growth and sustainability. 


Founded in 1877, the Border-Kei Chamber of Business (BKCOB) is the recognised “Voice of Business” in the region, working to create an enabling environment for economic activity and a platform for business to flourish. 

Headquartered in East London/Buffalo City with offices in Komani, the Border-Kei Chamber of Business is a not-for-profit, a-political, a-religious, membership based organisation which counts over 700 businesses as members in good standing representing the private sector, thought leaders and academic institutions from a wide array of sectors. 

The driving focus of the Chamber is to represent the interests of business by identifying, developing and promoting the major issues that contribute to economic activity and growth. 

At regional level, the Chamber strives to promote the socio-economic advancement of all people living and working in the Border-Kei region. It addresses issues around economic and industrial development; factory and business regulations; rates and local taxation; energy; town planning; crime; traffic and parking; regulations for informal traders; training needs; rail and air transport; freight handling; and tourist attractions. 

The Chamber has strong relations with a number of government departments including the leadership of the Buffalo City Metro as well as the Department of Economic Development Environmental Affairs and Tourism, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Labour, the Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs to name a few with whom the Chamber engages on a regular basis. 

Membership to the Border-Kei Chamber of Business is open to any registered organisation running ethically compliant operations and ranges from large multi-nationals to owner-run enterprises.