In 2020, Buffalo City Metro Municipality (BCMM) and the business community acknowledged that one of the major problems of Buffalo City’s, was the amount of litter throughout the city.

BCMM had a severe problem with waste management, regardless of previous interventions attempted by the city. This had also been raised in the BCMM Tourism Development Strategy, as it affected the image of the city and how it was perceived by tourists, visitors and investors. An MOU between BCMM, BKCOB and BCMDA was signed to address the issues of Waste management in the region and the WEMAC Committee was formed to oversee the management of the various cleaning initiatives in and around the city.

 Uncontrolled litter is a health and hygiene hazard, which can cause the resurgence of certain diseases thought to have been eradicated, such as the plague, typhoid, leptospirosis, etc., usually transmitted via rodents most prevalent in dirty cities. It had become imperative for the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, the broader business community and the residents to work together, towards a cleaner, greener and healthier city and to have an overarching waste management solution in place.

This initiative is underpinned by the City’s Metro Growth and Development Strategy, where one of the key strategic outcome areas, is to work towards a “Green City”. Waste management is one of the main interventions to achieving a “Greener City”.

Additionally, the volume of recyclables that was going directly to the landfill was estimated to be approximately 880tons per month. Since its inception, the project has, to date, succeeded in diverting 550tons of recyclable material per month, establishing enough feedstock for new recycling facilities to be constructed. BCMM Solid Waste Department currently does not have sufficient budget for a separation at source programme. Buffalo City is also plagued by illegal dumping throughout the city.

The BCMM Buy Back Centre burned down in November 2019 and this sector is being wholly serviced by the private sector outside of the city centre. This is reducing the value waste pickers receive for their collected resource as they incur high logistics costs.

This collaboration with the private sector to support the envisioned Buy Back Centres (BBCs) has solved two major problems, i.e., preventing recyclables going to landfill sites and creating employment in the sector.

Buffalo City had embarked on several pilots regarding waste separation, hazardous waste and waste minimisation, but they hadn’t transitioned to full scale initiatives, due to budget constraints. 

The Static Buyback Centre initiative is different, as it is being led by the Chamber’s WEMAC Committee, under the Call2Action programme, with budget support for staff from BCMM, through the Public Employment Programme (PEP), ensuring the long-term viability of the programme. The Private Sector has already spent more than R9.8 million in the recycling industry in BCMM between 2019- 2024.

This project’s investment has been through National Treasury, Private Business partnerships and donations, Polyco -the Polyolefin Responsibility Organisation NPC.

 Since the inception of the programme, a minimum of 1000 tons of post-consumer recyclables has been removed from the general waste stream, allowing for new investment into the recycling sector, creating new, sustainable jobs and ensuring a cleaner and greener BCMM.

There are currently 8 Buy Back Centres employing +/- 180 participants, based in the following areas:

  • Mzamomhle – Ward no 27- At the entrance of Mzamomhle , Next to the Community Hall and Development Centre
  • Southernwood – Ward no 3- St Georges Road, At St Georges Park
  • Mdantsane – Wards 11& 12- Saule and Dunga Street, Nu 2 Highway – Opposite the library
  • Nompumelelo Township – Ward 15 – Bonza Bay Road – At the entrance of Nompumelelo
  • Amalinda – Ward 16- Amalinda Banbury Road- At the entrance of Amalinda Forest
  • Qonce – Ward 37- 16 Napier Street, Next to Victoria Showgrounds and the Electricity department
  • Settlers Way – Ward 46- Settlers way main road – Opposite MBSA
  • Commercial Road – Ward 47- Corner Cambridge and Commercial Road, CBD Behind the ANC Building